Is it just me, or do you find yourself working better under stress and pressure or by the sheer delight of no deadlines. I have just been thinking about how in my life, and I think I speak for all of Manic Bloom that our lives don't know what it is like to not have "the next step" or that "deadline". How do we go through this whole life with the knowledge and understanding of what we think we want in life, then we blink and 2 months,...a year....5 years have already passed us by...while all along we are still driving for "the task at hand" to deliver us from our current situation into a better one.
I know that I can't be the only one feeling this way...please share your thoughts on why we don't work well as humans under "normal" but we seem to thrive under "must get this done" or under "life is good, it is time to chill" Granted, I want to have more of "life is good, time to chill" but seems like with today's need for speed with social marketing and "i think I'm going to die if Reginald doesn't update his Twitter from 13 minutes ago" seems we are headed in the direction of Artificial Neural Audio and Video overload.
What if we all moved to Canada or the great wilderness and lived off the fat of the land....I guess some day we would again be right back where we are today...but it would be nice to try it some thing to bring us back to simplicity.
Much love, and hope to get some insight from all of you on the hustle and bustle of your lives.
Manic Bloom
Feb 3, 2010 @ 11:09pm
I think there can be a difference between action and achievement and differentiating the two well can make a huge difference in our ultimate achivements in life.
For eg, I know someone who achieves about 5 times as much as someone else who puts in about 3 times more energy. It's whats in your hand at the end of the day that counts. And if that's a happy relationship verses more money or a job you really like vs a masters and lots of back slapping then hey.
So yeah. Energy doesn't necessarily = what's really important in life.