Manic Bloom Radio


Manic Bloom on Bad Girls Club tonight!
Posted by David on Apr 23, 2012 @ 6:35pm

That's right folks! Two of our songs are going to be played during tonight's episode of Bad Girls Club! I just personally hope it's not during a scene that I'd be embarrassed for my grandmother to watch. Of course, my grandmother's favorite show is Two and a Half Men, so if she can deal with Charlie Sheen's shenanigans, she can probably handle hair pulling and the crying that ensues... She's a pretty cool 92 year old. Not to say that watching cat fights makes someone cool. But I digress.

Almost a year ago, we were featured on Channel One News, and now we're up for their Artist of the Year contest! There's a link right below this - it would super sweet if you could click it and vote for us! And then vote again in the coming rounds... I think there's quite a few of you out there that found out about us through Channel One, so you probably already know about it.

We ended up pulling in second place in the Music 2 Rise contest that Andy mentioned last time around - right behind some friends of ours in Nashville - Darling Parade. Thanks for supporting us in that!!

It's been a while since I've written an update - and a lot has happened since... We're still working on a new record, and I think we've got some really cool stuff churning around - hopefully we'll give you a decent taste soon. We've thrown around the idea of letting you hear a few clips in May. It's absolutely crazy that next month is May... Where does time go? We'd better hurry up on this record or the Mayans will take it from us...

As most of you know, I'm a nerd... I've been working on a website over the past 10 months or so that will basically reward everyone out there that spreads our music by giving them free downloads of some of our music - beyond the free stuff we give you for being part of the mailing list. It's not quite finished yet, but it's soooooo close. For those of you that are artists yourselves, it'll be something that will hopefully help you as well - after I get all the bugs out.

Also - last week I added a soundcloud player to our website so you can listen and comment on certain parts of our songs while you're browsing us online.  Tell me what you think!

You're all AWESOME!


Jaret R.
Apr 24, 2012 @ 1:55pm

Counting the number of times I voted...

Started with at least 5... 

Okay, I already lost track.  But I'm gonna vote as much as I can!

By the way, I'm still waiting for you guys to get back to me about my school project thing...

Apr 24, 2012 @ 2:18pm

Okaaay =))))
Time to vote again! Counting times of vote is for losers! only refreshing page! Only harcore!
David, a lot of respect to your gradma! She rocks! 

Miss you, guys so much, my job deprived me of MM ='( 

Eric Jean
Apr 25, 2012 @ 8:06pm

Congrats guys!  That's awsome.